Friday, January 20, 2012

Deleting this blog soon. Since i've started a diary.
14th feb would be our 4th month.
Valentines day.
Guess nothing ever lasts.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Tired of disappointment.
Married to my cigarettes.
I know most of you mean well.
Worried about my health.
I promise to cut down soon.
In the end i always stop.
I have self control.
Dont worry.

I still love you.
But life goes on.
Tired of people leaving.
I gave everything i've got.
Guess i got boring.
Like all previous r/s
Just hope i can get the results to go to the courses in poly.
Sick and tired of what life has to offer.
Everyone has it better than me.
I fell down the other day.
Hit my neck on the toilet bowl.
Had a bruise thats all.
But imagine if its my head.
I'll die slowly in my own home.
Sigh life.'


Saturday, January 7, 2012

It looks like a solo tonight.
I dread results.
Know that i'll be disappointed.
I really wanna ask for patch.
But i just dont dare.
I dont have that much courage anymore.
When will i be truly happy?


Friday, January 6, 2012

When you asked this : you smoke? again?
7 sticks in 2 hours.
I got happy.
Its because i actually crossed your mind for a moment.
I feel so lost right now.
I want you back.
Those times.
Kills me slowly.
I cant cope.
But i have to.
I just have to.
Heartbreak after heartbreak.
I really wonder why i still try.
I just cant let go.
With results coming soon.
I know the marks wont be great.
I'll be devastated again.
I miss you.
I love you.
Hope that someone will make you happy.
Someone will mend your heart again.
And i have to accept that the someone is just not me.


I love ponies! :D
Fool under your roof!

Im a boy. I LOVE to eat and occasionally drink large excessive amounts of alcohol.I like pizza and my heart is taken by a princess.

gone with the wind

December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012

take a bow